There are abundant honey recipes out there. Honey is such a versatile ingredient in cooking and has such a distinctive flavour that it brings a magical touch to almost all foods — cakes, pastries, homemade cookies, barbecue meats, desserts, puddings, salad dressing, etc.

Different countries and cultures use honey differently in their food and cooking. In western countries, people seem to use more honey as a spread in their bread and have plenty of honey recipes for baking, whereas people in eastern countries seem to do less of that and mostly prefer to go for just a refreshing chilled honey drink – honey mixed with icy water. Generally, the younger generations do not seem to appreciate the benefits of honey as much as the older folks.

Here are a few recipes for health.


Experiencing a rough patch? Mix equal parts olive oil and honey to create a thick lotion. Rub on dry skin and let sit for 10-20 minutes before rinsing the area for smooth (and staying) results.


This use of honey for skin brings a little sweetness to your lips. Combine 1 teaspoon of honey with 1/2 cup of natural beeswax (grated), 10 drops of lemon essential oil, 2 drops of vitamin E oil and 1/4 cup of coconut oil. Once blended into an even (and creamy) concoction, separate mixture into small containers with lids (should make about 12 mini batches).


Combine 2 teaspoons of brown sugar, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of water in a microwave-safe container, then heat in the microwave or above the stove until the mixture turns brown (approximately 30 seconds). Let cool, thinning the mixture with more water if it appears too thick. Use a small spatula to thinly apply wax to skin, then apply a muslin cloth strip, pressing and smoothing in the direction of hair before peeling back in a swift motion.


Add a teaspoon of honey to regular shampoo to smooth damaged tresses, or combine with a teaspoon of olive oil for deeper conditioning. Apply to hair and let soak for 15 minutes (add 10 minutes for more damaged strands) before shampooing as usual.


Combine 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 cup hot water and let solution dissolve for about 10 minutes. Add 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil, then pour in bath water.


Reserve a little dab of honey for skin and apply to blemishes, then keep covered with a Band-Aid for 30 minutes. (Honey also works as an antiseptic for burns and abrasions.)


Combine 2 teaspoons of milk with 2 tablespoons of honey. Smooth solution over face and let it sit for 10 minutes before washing off.


Melt 1.5 ounces of beeswax and 3 ounces of apricot kernel oil in the microwave. Stir in 1 tablespoon of honey and, once cooled, divide into small tins for quick cuticle repair on the go.


Stir a couple pinches of ground nuts into a tablespoon of honey (adding a squirt of lemon juice). While the ground nuts exfoliate and the lemon juice brightens, the honey will moisturize for a smooth surface.


One of the most famous makers of face creams and lotions uses a certain amount of honey in all skin preparations, because honey is an antiseptic, draws blemishes to the surface and dissipates them tightens the skin, causing winkles to vanish.

A good face cream can be made by mixing one dessert spoonful of honey into a well beaten white of an egg and a few drops of almond oil. Mix till a fine, smooth cream is formed.


Mix – this can be done in a bottle by violent shaking – 1 dessert spoonful of honey, 3 oz. glycerin, 1½ oz. lemon juice, ½ oz. red lotion, 1 oz. alcohol, 2 oz. rose water.


To 125 gm. of honey and 25 gm. of alum add one quart of water. Mic well. This is also excellent for start throat and ulceration of the gums.


Mix four tablespoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of sulphur and 5 drops of pure turpentine. Take half a teaspoon every two or three hours.