I am a beekeeper based in the Cynon Valley, having returned to beekeeping after a break of over twenty years, I have now been keeping bees for around 6 years.  My aim is to produce high quality local honey and other product related to honey. We supply our honey in a variety of different jars shapes and sizes, however if you have a specific need then please contact us to discuss your needs.

Our bees are a strain called ‘Buckfast’ these were breed by the famous beekeeping monk ‘Brother Adam’  at Buckfast Abbey from 1915 – 1990. They were bred for the pollen collecting, honey  production and their gentleness to work with. Its bees natural instinct to swarm, this is a way bee’s leave an existing home and create a new one. We as beekeepers can manage this to a certain extent, however there many wild bees that have colonised in all sorts of places.

Please use this site to find out more about honey bees and how they are kept. We have included lots of information that you hopefully will find fascinating, recipes that use honey and also how honey can be used to heal.

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